The Shining Light
Type | Default |
Collection | Default |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | Click to Listen |
Type |
Collection | Mastery Reward |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | No Voicepack |
Type |
Collection | Ascension Reward |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | No Voicepack |
Type |
Collection | Ascension Reward |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | No Voicepack |
Type |
Collection | Ascension Reward |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | No Voicepack |
Type |
Collection | Cross-Gen |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | Click to Listen |
Type |
Collection | Unknown |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | No Voicepack |
Type | Default |
Collection | Unknown |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | Click to Listen |
Type | Default |
Collection | Unknown |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | No Voicepack |
Stat Name | Stat Value |
Max Health | 633 |
Max Mana | 288 |
Health Per Time | 2 |
Mana Per Time | 3 |
Physical Protection | 20 |
Magical Protection | 29 |
Movement Speed | 375 |
Base Attack Speed | 1 |
Attack Speed Percent | 2 |
Strength | 44 |
Intelligence | 0 |
XP Requirement | 0 |
Bellona | 0 |
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View allVICTORY | Warchi
Bumba's Cudgel
- Strength: +15.0
- MaxHealth: +50.0
- MaxMana: +50.0
Passive: Your Basic Attacks deal +25 True Damage and your Abilities deal +35% Damage versus Jungle Monsters. After casting an ability your next Basic Attack deals an additional 20 True Damage. hitting this basic attack reduces your active cooldowns by 0.5s. Requires level 20 to upgrade.
Helm of Radiance
- Intelligence: +60.0
- PhysicalProtection: +25.0
Passive: When you take Physical Damage you gain 5 Physical Protection for 6s. Stacks up to 5 times.
Sphere of Negation
- Intelligence: +70.0
- MagicalProtection: +40.0
Gem of Focus
- Intelligence: +35.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
Passive: When you use an ability you gain 15 Intelligence and 3% Movement Speed for 10s. Stacks up to 3 times.
The Cosmic Horror
- Intelligence: +100.0
- MaxMana: +150.0
- MP5: +2.0
- Cooldown Rate: +15.0
Passive: If you have more than 300 Item Intelligence you gain 10 Cooldown Rate.
Sundering Arc
Active: Instantly deals 175 + 25 per level true damage to Jungle Monsters and Jungle Bosses. Deals 500 damage at level 13 and above. Hits Gods, dealing 27 + 3 per level true damage 3 times over 2s. Cooldown: 120s.
DEFEAT | SoloOrTroll
Death's Embrace
- Strength: +35.0
- MaxHealth: +150.0
- Lifesteal: +10.0%
Passive: Hitting an enemy with a Basic Attack restores 1.4% of your Health, 2% of your Mana and reduces your active non-Ultimate Cooldowns by 0.33s. Requires Level 20.
- Intelligence: +30.0
- MaxHealth: +300.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
Active: Send out a wave of living energy dealing 130 + 5 per level magic damage and marking enemy Gods for 6 seconds. Allies who damage a marked target will gain a shield and heal for 130 + 5 per level. Kills and Assists will reduce the current cooldown by 20%. Cooldown 50s.
Genji's Guard
- MagicalProtection: +55.0
- MaxMana: +300.0
- MP5: +5.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
PASSIVE - When you take Magical Damage from Abilities your cooldowns are reduced by 3s. This can only occur once every 30s.
Breastplate of Valor
- PhysicalProtection: +45.0
- MaxMana: +250.0
- MP5: +2.0
- Cooldown Rate: +30.0
Passive: When you lose 350 + 20*Level HP, your ability cooldowns are reduced by 1s.
Spirit Robe
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
Passive: When you are hit by a Hard CC effect you gain 40 Physical Protection and 40 Magical Protection for 4s.
Gem of Focus
- Intelligence: +35.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
Passive: When you use an ability you gain 15 Intelligence and 3% Movement Speed for 10s. Stacks up to 3 times.
- Intelligence: +15.0
Sundering Arc
Active: Instantly deals 175 + 25 per level true damage to Jungle Monsters and Jungle Bosses. Deals 500 damage at level 13 and above. Hits Gods, dealing 27 + 3 per level true damage 3 times over 2s. Cooldown: 120s.
VICTORY | fineokay
Talisman of Purification
- MagicalProtection: +45.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
Active: You and allied gods within 6.4m are Cleansed of all CC and gain CC Immunity for 1s. Cooldown: 180s.
Eye of Providence
- PhysicalProtection: +25.0
- MagicalProtection: +25.0
- MaxHealth: +300.0
Active: Create a ward that Reveals enemies and enemy wards within 10.4m. Lasts for 120s or until killed. Cooldown: 60s.
Hussar's Wings
- PhysicalProtection: +25.0
- MagicalProtection: +25.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
Active: You are Cleansed of all Slows, gain Slow Immunity, and 20% Movement Speed for 6s. Cooldown: 30s.
Sage's Ring
- MagicalProtection: +13.0
- Cooldown Rate: +10.0
Hunter's Bow
- AttackSpeedPercent: +15.0%
VICTORY | Sheento
Archmage's Gem
- Intelligence: +90.0
- MaxMana: +150.0
- MP5: +4.0
Passive: Your next ability that damages a god deals bonus Magical Damage equal to 40% your Intelligence. Cooldown: 20s. Requires Level 20.
Triton's Conch
- Strength: +15.0
- Intelligence: +45.0
- MaxHealth: +300.0
Passive: You and allies within 8.8m gain 7 + 0.5*Level Strength and 10 + 1*Level Intelligence.
Gem of Focus
- Intelligence: +35.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
Passive: When you use an ability you gain 15 Intelligence and 3% Movement Speed for 10s. Stacks up to 3 times.
The Cosmic Horror
- Intelligence: +100.0
- MaxMana: +150.0
- MP5: +2.0
- Cooldown Rate: +15.0
Passive: If you have more than 300 Item Intelligence you gain 10 Cooldown Rate.
Rod of Tahuti
- Intelligence: +70.0
- MaxMana: +250.0
- MP5: +2.0
- Magical Penetration: +10.0%
Passive: Gain additional Intelligence equal to 20% of your Intelligence from items.
Oracle Staff
- Intelligence: +20.0
- MaxMana: +150.0
- MP5: +1.0
Passive: When you get a Kill or Assist on an enemy god you instantly restore 25% of your Mana.
Purification Beads
Active: You become CC Immune for 2s. Cooldown: 180s.
Conduit Gem
- Intelligence: +25.0
- MaxMana: +100.0
- MP5: +2.0
Passive: Every 0.5 seconds you gain a stack. Your next damaging ability deals 2 True Damage per stack and remove all stacks. Stacks up to 20 Times. Requires level 20 to upgrade.
Triton's Conch
- Strength: +15.0
- Intelligence: +45.0
- MaxHealth: +300.0
Passive: You and allies within 8.8m gain 7 + 0.5*Level Strength and 10 + 1*Level Intelligence.
Berserker's Shield
- PhysicalProtection: +50.0
- MaxHealth: +150.0
- HP5: +5.0
- AttackSpeedPercent: +25.0%
Passive: While below 60% Health you become Berserk for 5s. While Berserk, you gain 20 Protections and 15% Attack Speed. This effect can only occur once every 15 seconds
Shogun's Kusari
- MagicalProtection: +35.0
- AttackSpeedPercent: +15.0%
- Cooldown Rate: +15.0
Passive: You and allies within 8.8m gain 20% Attack Speed.
Spirit Robe
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
Passive: When you are hit by a Hard CC effect you gain 40 Physical Protection and 40 Magical Protection for 4s.
Gem of Focus
- Intelligence: +35.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
Passive: When you use an ability you gain 15 Intelligence and 3% Movement Speed for 10s. Stacks up to 3 times.
Rod of Tahuti
- Intelligence: +70.0
- MaxMana: +250.0
- MP5: +2.0
- Magical Penetration: +10.0%
Passive: Gain additional Intelligence equal to 20% of your Intelligence from items.
Sundering Arc
Active: Instantly deals 175 + 25 per level true damage to Jungle Monsters and Jungle Bosses. Deals 500 damage at level 13 and above. Hits Gods, dealing 27 + 3 per level true damage 3 times over 2s. Cooldown: 120s.
Conduit Gem
- Intelligence: +25.0
- MaxMana: +100.0
- MP5: +2.0
Passive: Every 0.5 seconds you gain a stack. Your next damaging ability deals 2 True Damage per stack and remove all stacks. Stacks up to 20 Times. Requires level 20 to upgrade.
Triton's Conch
- Strength: +15.0
- Intelligence: +45.0
- MaxHealth: +300.0
Passive: You and allies within 8.8m gain 7 + 0.5*Level Strength and 10 + 1*Level Intelligence.
Gem of Focus
- Intelligence: +35.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
Passive: When you use an ability you gain 15 Intelligence and 3% Movement Speed for 10s. Stacks up to 3 times.
Helm of Radiance
- Intelligence: +60.0
- PhysicalProtection: +25.0
Passive: When you take Physical Damage you gain 5 Physical Protection for 6s. Stacks up to 5 times.
Rod of Tahuti
- Intelligence: +70.0
- MaxMana: +250.0
- MP5: +2.0
- Magical Penetration: +10.0%
Passive: Gain additional Intelligence equal to 20% of your Intelligence from items.
Soul Reaver
- Intelligence: +50.0
- MaxMana: +150.0
- MP5: +1.0
- Physical Penetration: +10.0%
Passive: Enemy gods hit by your abilities take 15% of their Current HP as bonus Magical Damage over 2s. This effect will always deal at least 5% of the god's Max HP over time and only triggers once per ability per god.
- Intelligence: +80.0
- MaxMana: +200.0
- MP5: +3.0
Passive: When you use an ability you gain 65% of your Intelligence as bonus Magical Damage on your next basic attack.
Sundering Arc
Active: Instantly deals 175 + 25 per level true damage to Jungle Monsters and Jungle Bosses. Deals 500 damage at level 13 and above. Hits Gods, dealing 27 + 3 per level true damage 3 times over 2s. Cooldown: 120s.
Conduit Gem
- Intelligence: +25.0
- MaxMana: +100.0
- MP5: +2.0
Passive: Every 0.5 seconds you gain a stack. Your next damaging ability deals 2 True Damage per stack and remove all stacks. Stacks up to 20 Times. Requires level 20 to upgrade.
Berserker's Shield
- PhysicalProtection: +50.0
- MaxHealth: +150.0
- HP5: +5.0
- AttackSpeedPercent: +25.0%
Passive: While below 60% Health you become Berserk for 5s. While Berserk, you gain 20 Protections and 15% Attack Speed. This effect can only occur once every 15 seconds
Shogun's Kusari
- MagicalProtection: +35.0
- AttackSpeedPercent: +15.0%
- Cooldown Rate: +15.0
Passive: You and allies within 8.8m gain 20% Attack Speed.
Pharaoh's Curse
- PhysicalProtection: +40.0
- AttackSpeedPercent: +15.0%
- Cooldown Rate: +15.0
Active: Enemies within 5.6m are affected by a 25% Slow and have 25% reduced Attack Speed for 6s. Cooldown: 40s.
Spirit Robe
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
Passive: When you are hit by a Hard CC effect you gain 40 Physical Protection and 40 Magical Protection for 4s.
Qin's Blade
- Strength: +20.0
- AttackSpeedPercent: +25.0%
Passive: Your basic attacks deal bonus Physical Damage to gods equal to 4% of their Max HP.
Hastened Fatalis
- Strength: +20.0
- AttackSpeedPercent: +20.0%
- Physical Penetration: +5.0%
Passive: When you hit an enemy god with a basic attack, the Basic Attack Movement Penalty is reduced by 50% for 2s. Stacks up to 2 times.
Sundering Arc
Active: Instantly deals 175 + 25 per level true damage to Jungle Monsters and Jungle Bosses. Deals 500 damage at level 13 and above. Hits Gods, dealing 27 + 3 per level true damage 3 times over 2s. Cooldown: 120s.
Conduit Gem
- Intelligence: +25.0
- MaxMana: +100.0
- MP5: +2.0
Passive: Every 0.5 seconds you gain a stack. Your next damaging ability deals 2 True Damage per stack and remove all stacks. Stacks up to 20 Times. Requires level 20 to upgrade.
Triton's Conch
- Strength: +15.0
- Intelligence: +45.0
- MaxHealth: +300.0
Passive: You and allies within 8.8m gain 7 + 0.5*Level Strength and 10 + 1*Level Intelligence.
Berserker's Shield
- PhysicalProtection: +50.0
- MaxHealth: +150.0
- HP5: +5.0
- AttackSpeedPercent: +25.0%
Passive: While below 60% Health you become Berserk for 5s. While Berserk, you gain 20 Protections and 15% Attack Speed. This effect can only occur once every 15 seconds
Shogun's Kusari
- MagicalProtection: +35.0
- AttackSpeedPercent: +15.0%
- Cooldown Rate: +15.0
Passive: You and allies within 8.8m gain 20% Attack Speed.
Spirit Robe
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
Passive: When you are hit by a Hard CC effect you gain 40 Physical Protection and 40 Magical Protection for 4s.
Qin's Blade
- Strength: +20.0
- AttackSpeedPercent: +25.0%
Passive: Your basic attacks deal bonus Physical Damage to gods equal to 4% of their Max HP.
- Intelligence: +80.0
- MaxMana: +200.0
- MP5: +3.0
Passive: When you use an ability you gain 65% of your Intelligence as bonus Magical Damage on your next basic attack.
Sundering Arc
Active: Instantly deals 175 + 25 per level true damage to Jungle Monsters and Jungle Bosses. Deals 500 damage at level 13 and above. Hits Gods, dealing 27 + 3 per level true damage 3 times over 2s. Cooldown: 120s.
Amaterasu Basic Attack
Deal 44 Physical Damage to an enemy in front of you.
NOTE 1: If multiple enemies are in the area, the enemy closest to the center of the area will be hit.
NOTE 2: Has a 3 hit chain. Attacks in order of 1, 0.5, 1x damage and swing time.
- Damage Scaling: 100% Strength and 20% Intelligence
- Range: 1.9m
- Cone Angle: 120 degrees
Illuminating Strike
Basic attack an enemy 3 times to illuminate their weaknesses, causing them and other nearby enemies to take more damage from all sources.
- Increased Damage Taken: 10%
- Debuff Duration: 6s
- Radius: 4.8m
Divine Presence
Heal yourself for 15 [20% INT] over 4s, and alternate between the Gold and Red buff effects. • Gold buff provides a Health Shield for 6s on activation, and a persistent Movement Speed Buff • Red buff provides an Attack Speed buff for 6s on activation, and a persistent 14 [5% INT] Strength and 18 [5% INT] Intelligence Buff
- Heal Per Tick: 15/25/35/45/55
- Heal Scaling Per Tick: 5% Intelligence
- Shield Health: 4/5/6/7/8% of your HP
- Movement Speed: 5/7/9/11/13%
- Attack Speed: 10/12/14/16/18%
- Strength: 14/18/22/26/30
- Strength Scaling:
- Intelligence: 18/26/34/42/50
- Intelligence Scaling:
- Radius: 5.6m
- Cooldown: 12s
- Cost: 30
Heal yourself for 15 [20% INT] over 4s, and alternate between the Gold and Red buff effects. • Gold buff provides a Health Shield for 6s on activation, and a persistent Movement Speed Buff • Red buff provides an Attack Speed buff for 6s on activation, and a persistent 14 [5% INT] Strength and 18 [5% INT] Intelligence Buff
- Heal Per Tick: 15/25/35/45/55
- Heal Scaling Per Tick: 5% Intelligence
- Shield Health: 4/5/6/7/8% of your HP
- Movement Speed: 5/7/9/11/13%
- Attack Speed: 10/12/14/16/18%
- Strength: 14/18/22/26/30
- Strength Scaling:
- Intelligence: 18/26/34/42/50
- Intelligence Scaling:
- Radius: 5.6m
- Cooldown: 12s
- Cost: 30
Heavenly Reflection
Charge your Mirror for 5s and decrease all damage you take while charging by 7% [5% INT]. Reactivate the ability to fire a projectile that deals 84 [65% STR + 85% INT] Physical Damage to enemies, increased by the Mirror's charge amount. • Deal and take damage to charge the Mirror • Base Damage is doubled when Mirror is fully charged
NOTE 1: Projectile passes through and damages all enemies, and passes through walls
NOTE 2: Projectile passes through and damages all enemies, and passes through walls
- Damage: 55/80/105/130/155
- Damage Scaling:
- Damage Taken Reduction: 7/9/11/13/15%
- Damage Reduction Scaling: 5% Intelligence
- Buff Duration: 5s
- Projectile Range: 8.8m
- Projectile Radius: 0.8m
- Cooldown: 10s
- Cost: 60/65/70/75/80
Glorious Charge
Silence enemies in front of you for 1s, then dash forward and deal 89 [65% STR] Physical Damage. • Pierces through and damages minions but stops on first god hit
- Damage: 60/105/150/195/240
- Damage Scaling: 65% Strength
- Silence Duration: 1s
- Range: 8.8m
- Range: 3.2m
- Cost: 40/45/50/55/60
- Cooldown: 15s
Dazzling Offensive
Become CC Immune and then attack 3 times to deal 84 [55% STR] Physical Damage to enemies in front of you each time. • Attacks deal more damage and have bonus effects on each subsequent successful hit • 2nd hit deals 1.2x damage and Slows by 30% for 2s • 3rd hit deals 1.4x damage and Stuns for 1.5s
- Damage: 60/95/130/165/200
- Damage Scaling: 55% Strength and 45% Intelligence
- Slow: 30%
- Slow Duration: 2s
- Stun Duration: 1.5s
- Radius: 5.6m
- Cone Angle: 110 degrees
- Cooldown: 90s
- Cost: 100