The Unbound
Type | Default |
Collection | Default |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | Click to Listen |
Type |
Collection | Cross-Gen |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | Click to Listen |
Type |
Collection | Cross-Gen |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | Click to Listen |
Type |
Collection | Ascension Reward |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | No Voicepack |
Type |
Collection | Ascension Reward |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | No Voicepack |
Type |
Collection | Ascension Reward |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | No Voicepack |
Type |
Collection | Mastery Reward |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | No Voicepack |
Type |
Collection | Cross-Gen |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | No Voicepack |
Stat Name | Stat Value |
Max Health | 614 |
Max Mana | 296 |
Health Per Time | 2 |
Mana Per Time | 3 |
Physical Protection | 19 |
Magical Protection | 28 |
Movement Speed | 375 |
Base Attack Speed | 1 |
Attack Speed Percent | 2 |
Strength | 46 |
Intelligence | 0 |
XP Requirement | 0 |
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Devourer's Gauntlet
- Strength: +30.0
- Lifesteal: +10.0%
Passive: You permanently gain 0.3 Strength, and 0.10% Physical Lifesteal per Stack, and receive 1 Stack per 600 Damage Dealt to minions and Jungle Monsters, with damage to Gods counting double. At 50 stacks this item Evolves, gaining 10 Penetration.
- Strength: +30.0
- Cooldown Rate: +15.0
Passive: When you use an ability you gain 3% Movement Speed and 5 Cooldown Rate for 10s. Stacks up to 3 times.
Jotunn's Revenge
- Strength: +40.0
- Cooldown Rate: +30.0
Passive: When you get a Kill or Assist on an enemy god your Non-ultimate Cooldowns are reduced by 2s and your Ultimate Cooldown is reduced by 6s.
Titan's Bane
- Strength: +40.0
- Physical Penetration: +20.0%
Hydra's Lament
- Strength: +40.0
- MaxMana: +250.0
- MP5: +5.0
Passive: When you use an ability you gain 30% increased Basic Attack Damage on your next basic attack for 8s.
VICTORY | Adapting
Devourer's Gauntlet
- Strength: +30.0
- Lifesteal: +10.0%
Passive: You permanently gain 0.3 Strength, and 0.10% Physical Lifesteal per Stack, and receive 1 Stack per 600 Damage Dealt to minions and Jungle Monsters, with damage to Gods counting double. At 50 stacks this item Evolves, gaining 10 Penetration.
- Strength: +25.0
- MaxMana: +400.0
- MP5: +4.0
Passive: You permanently gain 7 Mana per Stack, and receive 1 Stack per 800 Damage Dealt to minions and Jungle Monsters, with damage to Gods counting double. You gain Strength equal to 2% of your Mana from items. At 50 stacks this item Evolves, gaining 10 Penetration.
The Crusher
- Strength: +30.0
- Physical Penetration: +10.0%
- Cooldown Rate: +15.0
Passive: Enemies hit by your damaging Abilities take bonus damage equal to an additional 30% of your Strength over 1s. Subsequent hits on the same target do half the bonus damage for the next 3s.
- Strength: +35.0
- MaxMana: +100.0
- MP5: +2.0
- Physical Penetration: +10.0%
Passive: Your abilities deal bonus physical damage as a % of the target's max HP. The %HP damage is equal to 2% of your Strength.
Serrated Edge
- Strength: +20.0
- Lifesteal: +15.0%
- Physical Penetration: +5.0%
Passive: For every non-ultimate ability on cooldown you gain a stack of Cruelty. Each stack provides 7 Strength and 3% Lifesteal.
- Strength: +10.0
VICTORY | Variety
Devourer's Gauntlet
- Strength: +30.0
- Lifesteal: +10.0%
Passive: You permanently gain 0.3 Strength, and 0.10% Physical Lifesteal per Stack, and receive 1 Stack per 600 Damage Dealt to minions and Jungle Monsters, with damage to Gods counting double. At 50 stacks this item Evolves, gaining 10 Penetration.
Berserker's Shield
- PhysicalProtection: +50.0
- MaxHealth: +150.0
- HP5: +5.0
- AttackSpeedPercent: +25.0%
Passive: While below 60% Health you become Berserk for 5s. While Berserk, you gain 20 Protections and 15% Attack Speed. This effect can only occur once every 15 seconds
Engraved Guard
- PhysicalProtection: +12.0
- MagicalProtection: +12.0
- PhysicalProtection: +7.0
VICTORY | PandaCat
The Reaper
- Strength: +25.0
- Lifesteal: +25.0%
Passive: When you hit an enemy god below 30% HP, you gain 10 Strength and 5% Lifesteal for 4s. Killing a god provides a stack, increasing the HP Threshold by 10% and an additional 10 Strength and 5% Lifesteal when triggered. Stacks up to 3 times.
Dagger of Frenzy
- Strength: +40.0
- AttackSpeedPercent: +15.0%
Active: You gain 40 Basic Attack Damage and 30% Attack Speed for 6s. Cooldown: 30s.
Hastened Fatalis
- Strength: +20.0
- AttackSpeedPercent: +20.0%
- Physical Penetration: +5.0%
Passive: When you hit an enemy god with a basic attack, the Basic Attack Movement Penalty is reduced by 50% for 2s. Stacks up to 2 times.
The Executioner
- Strength: +30.0
- AttackSpeedPercent: +15.0%
Passive: When you damage an enemy god or jungle boss with a basic attack, gain the Piercing effect, granting you 10% Penetration for 4s. Stacks up to 3 times.
Qin's Blade
- Strength: +20.0
- AttackSpeedPercent: +25.0%
Passive: Your basic attacks deal bonus Physical Damage to gods equal to 4% of their Max HP.
Adamantine Sickle
- Strength: +10.0
- Lifesteal: +7.0%
Passive: While you are below 50% HP you gain 15 Strength.
Death's Toll
- Strength: +15.0
- MaxHealth: +100.0
Passive: Hitting an enemy with a Basic Attack Heals you for 2 +0.3% of your Max Health and 1 +1% of your Max Mana. Requires level 20 to upgrade.
Devourer's Gauntlet
- Strength: +30.0
- Lifesteal: +10.0%
Passive: You permanently gain 0.3 Strength, and 0.10% Physical Lifesteal per Stack, and receive 1 Stack per 600 Damage Dealt to minions and Jungle Monsters, with damage to Gods counting double. At 50 stacks this item Evolves, gaining 10 Penetration.
Berserker's Shield
- PhysicalProtection: +50.0
- MaxHealth: +150.0
- HP5: +5.0
- AttackSpeedPercent: +25.0%
Passive: While below 60% Health you become Berserk for 5s. While Berserk, you gain 20 Protections and 15% Attack Speed. This effect can only occur once every 15 seconds
Spirit Robe
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
Passive: When you are hit by a Hard CC effect you gain 40 Physical Protection and 40 Magical Protection for 4s.
Void Shield
- Strength: +15.0
- PhysicalProtection: +45.0
- MaxHealth: +100.0
Passive: Enemies within 8.8m have their Physical Protections reduced by 10%
Leviathan's Hide
- PhysicalProtection: +50.0
- Cooldown Rate: +10.0
Passive: Enemies who hit you with basic attacks lose 10% Strength for 4s. Stacks up to 2 times.
The Executioner
- Strength: +30.0
- AttackSpeedPercent: +15.0%
Passive: When you damage an enemy god or jungle boss with a basic attack, gain the Piercing effect, granting you 10% Penetration for 4s. Stacks up to 3 times.
Sundering Arc
Active: Instantly deals 175 + 25 per level true damage to Jungle Monsters and Jungle Bosses. Deals 500 damage at level 13 and above. Hits Gods, dealing 27 + 3 per level true damage 3 times over 2s. Cooldown: 120s.
Death's Toll
- Strength: +15.0
- MaxHealth: +100.0
Passive: Hitting an enemy with a Basic Attack Heals you for 2 +0.3% of your Max Health and 1 +1% of your Max Mana. Requires level 20 to upgrade.
Jotunn's Revenge
- Strength: +40.0
- Cooldown Rate: +30.0
Passive: When you get a Kill or Assist on an enemy god your Non-ultimate Cooldowns are reduced by 2s and your Ultimate Cooldown is reduced by 6s.
- Strength: +30.0
- Cooldown Rate: +15.0
Passive: When you use an ability you gain 3% Movement Speed and 5 Cooldown Rate for 10s. Stacks up to 3 times.
The Crusher
- Strength: +30.0
- Physical Penetration: +10.0%
- Cooldown Rate: +15.0
Passive: Enemies hit by your damaging Abilities take bonus damage equal to an additional 30% of your Strength over 1s. Subsequent hits on the same target do half the bonus damage for the next 3s.
Leviathan's Hide
- PhysicalProtection: +50.0
- Cooldown Rate: +10.0
Passive: Enemies who hit you with basic attacks lose 10% Strength for 4s. Stacks up to 2 times.
Spectral Armor
- PhysicalProtection: +60.0
- Cooldown Rate: +15.0
Passive: Enemies within 8.8m lose 20% Attack Speed and 20% Critical Strike Chance.
Talisman of Purification
- MagicalProtection: +45.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
Active: You and allied gods within 6.4m are Cleansed of all CC and gain CC Immunity for 1s. Cooldown: 180s.
Sundering Arc
Active: Instantly deals 175 + 25 per level true damage to Jungle Monsters and Jungle Bosses. Deals 500 damage at level 13 and above. Hits Gods, dealing 27 + 3 per level true damage 3 times over 2s. Cooldown: 120s.
Death's Toll
- Strength: +15.0
- MaxHealth: +100.0
Passive: Hitting an enemy with a Basic Attack Heals you for 2 +0.3% of your Max Health and 1 +1% of your Max Mana. Requires level 20 to upgrade.
Devourer's Gauntlet
- Strength: +30.0
- Lifesteal: +10.0%
Passive: You permanently gain 0.3 Strength, and 0.10% Physical Lifesteal per Stack, and receive 1 Stack per 600 Damage Dealt to minions and Jungle Monsters, with damage to Gods counting double. At 50 stacks this item Evolves, gaining 10 Penetration.
Berserker's Shield
- PhysicalProtection: +50.0
- MaxHealth: +150.0
- HP5: +5.0
- AttackSpeedPercent: +25.0%
Passive: While below 60% Health you become Berserk for 5s. While Berserk, you gain 20 Protections and 15% Attack Speed. This effect can only occur once every 15 seconds
Musashi's Dual Swords
- Strength: +30.0
- CritChance: +30.0%
Passive: When you Critically Strike an enemy you gain 10% Movement Speed for 4s.
Demon Blade
- Strength: +20.0
- AttackSpeedPercent: +20.0%
- CritChance: +20.0%
Passive: When you Critically Strike an enemy you gain 15% Attack Speed for 4s.
- Strength: +40.0
- CritChance: +20.0%
Passive: You gain 25% increased Critical Strike Damage.
Spirit Robe
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
Passive: When you are hit by a Hard CC effect you gain 40 Physical Protection and 40 Magical Protection for 4s.
Sundering Arc
Active: Instantly deals 175 + 25 per level true damage to Jungle Monsters and Jungle Bosses. Deals 500 damage at level 13 and above. Hits Gods, dealing 27 + 3 per level true damage 3 times over 2s. Cooldown: 120s.
Death's Toll
- Strength: +15.0
- MaxHealth: +100.0
Passive: Hitting an enemy with a Basic Attack Heals you for 2 +0.3% of your Max Health and 1 +1% of your Max Mana. Requires level 20 to upgrade.
Devourer's Gauntlet
- Strength: +30.0
- Lifesteal: +10.0%
Passive: You permanently gain 0.3 Strength, and 0.10% Physical Lifesteal per Stack, and receive 1 Stack per 600 Damage Dealt to minions and Jungle Monsters, with damage to Gods counting double. At 50 stacks this item Evolves, gaining 10 Penetration.
The Reaper
- Strength: +25.0
- Lifesteal: +25.0%
Passive: When you hit an enemy god below 30% HP, you gain 10 Strength and 5% Lifesteal for 4s. Killing a god provides a stack, increasing the HP Threshold by 10% and an additional 10 Strength and 5% Lifesteal when triggered. Stacks up to 3 times.
Spirit Robe
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
Passive: When you are hit by a Hard CC effect you gain 40 Physical Protection and 40 Magical Protection for 4s.
Void Shield
- Strength: +15.0
- PhysicalProtection: +45.0
- MaxHealth: +100.0
Passive: Enemies within 8.8m have their Physical Protections reduced by 10%
- Strength: +40.0
- CritChance: +20.0%
Passive: You gain 25% increased Critical Strike Damage.
The Executioner
- Strength: +30.0
- AttackSpeedPercent: +15.0%
Passive: When you damage an enemy god or jungle boss with a basic attack, gain the Piercing effect, granting you 10% Penetration for 4s. Stacks up to 3 times.
Sundering Arc
Active: Instantly deals 175 + 25 per level true damage to Jungle Monsters and Jungle Bosses. Deals 500 damage at level 13 and above. Hits Gods, dealing 27 + 3 per level true damage 3 times over 2s. Cooldown: 120s.
Fenrir Basic Attack
Deal 46 Physical Damage to an enemy in front of you.
NOTE 1: If multiple enemies are in the area, the enemy closest to the center of the area will be hit.
- Damage Scaling: 100% Strength and 20% Intelligence
- Range: 1.9m
- Cone Angle: 120 degrees
Unbound Runes
Your Runes are activated by successful basic attacks, or by activating abilities. At five Runes your next Ability becomes Empowered and gains an additional effect.
Savagely Leap forward, dealing 113 [75% STR + 40% Protections] Physical Damage when you land. • When Empowered, Stun all enemies in the area, then remove all Runes • If not Empowered, gain 3 Runes
NOTE 1: Hitting an enemy god reduces the Cooldown of this ability by 30%.
- Damage: 60/105/150/195/240
- Damage Scaling: 75% Strength and 40% Magical Protection and 40% Physical Protection
- Stun Duration: 0.8s
- Range: 8.8m
- Radius: 2.4m
- Cooldown: 15s
- Cost: 50/55/60/65/70
Seething Howl
Unleash a howl, gaining increased Strength, Attack Speed, and Lifesteal. • When Empowered, nearby allied gods also gain increased Lifesteal • If not Empowered, gain 2 Runes
- Strength: 15/25/35/45/55
- Attack Speed: 20/22.5/25/27.5/30%
- Lifesteal: 20%
- Buff Duration: 6s
- Radius: 7.2m
- Cooldown: 11s
- Cost: 60/65/70/75/80
Gain Protections, Leap forward, and grab onto an enemy, dealing 39 [30% STR] Physical Damage repeatedly to all nearby enemies. • You are Displacement Immune while Channeling • When Empowered, deal 46 [45% STR] Physical Damage repeatedly instead, then all Runes are consumed • If not Empowered, gain 1 Rune per successful hit
NOTE 1: This ability hits 4 times over 1.08 seconds.
NOTE 2: Gain Physical and Magical Protections while Channeling.
NOTE 3: This ability can Critically Strike.
NOTE 4: This ability can trigger both ability and basic attack item effects.
NOTE 5: Your target is Revealed while you are Channeling.
- Damage: 25/45/65/85/105
- Damage Scaling: 30% Strength
- Increased Damage Scaling:
- Physical Protection: 5 + 2 per Level
- Magical Protection: 5 + 2 per Level
- Range: 4.8m
- Radius: 1.6m
- Cooldown: 11s
- Cost: 60/65/70/75/80
Grow massive in size, and your next next basic attack deals 226 [100% STR] Physical Damage and can Pick Up an enemy god and carry them to any position. • Gain increased Movement Speed, Physical Protection, and Magical Protection and become CC Immune while massive
- Damage: 180/240/300/360/420
- Damage Scaling: 100% Strength
- Movement Speed: 75%
- Physical Protection: 20/25/30/35/40 + 15% Physical Protections
- Magical Protection: 20/25/30/35/40 + 15% Magical Protections
- Buff Duration: 4s
- Grab Duration: 1.8s
- Cone Angle: 120 degrees
- Cooldown: 100s
- Cost: 50/55/60/65/70