The Allfather
Type | Default |
Collection | Default |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | Click to Listen |
Type |
Collection | Cross-Gen |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | Click to Listen |
Type |
Collection | Standard |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | Click to Listen |
Type |
Collection | Cross-Gen |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | Click to Listen |
Type |
Collection | Ascension Reward |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | No Voicepack |
Type |
Collection | Ascension Reward |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | No Voicepack |
Type |
Collection | Mastery Reward |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | No Voicepack |
Type |
Collection | Ascension Reward |
Cost | Unknown |
Voice Pack | No Voicepack |
Stat Name | Stat Value |
Max Health | 633 |
Max Mana | 296 |
Health Per Time | 2 |
Mana Per Time | 3 |
Physical Protection | 20 |
Magical Protection | 29 |
Movement Speed | 375 |
Base Attack Speed | 1 |
Attack Speed Percent | 2 |
Strength | 45 |
Intelligence | 0 |
XP Requirement | 0 |
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View allVICTORY | Venenu
Amanita Charm
- PhysicalProtection: +25.0
- MagicalProtection: +15.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
- HP5: +2.0
Active: Create a Mushroom that Heals allied gods within 6.4m for 3.5% HP every 1s. Lasts for 5s. Cooldown: 60s.
Gauntlet of Thebes
- MaxHealth: +150.0
- MaxMana: +150.0
Passive: Assists on a minion give 1 Stack and God kills and assists give 5 Stacks. Stacks provide 1 Physical Protection and 1 Magical Protection. Stacks up to 30 times. At max stacks this item evolves providing you an additional 10 of each Protection.
Void Shield
- Strength: +15.0
- PhysicalProtection: +45.0
- MaxHealth: +100.0
Passive: Enemies within 8.8m have their Physical Protections reduced by 10%
Stone of Binding
- PhysicalProtection: +40.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
- MaxHealth: +100.0
Passive: Enemy gods hit by your Hard CC effects lose 15 Physical Protection and 15 Magical Protection for 4s.
Oni Hunter's Garb
- MagicalProtection: +55.0
- MaxHealth: +150.0
- MaxMana: +250.0
- MP5: +10.0
Passive: For each enemy god within 8.8m of you, gain a stack of 4% damage mitigation. This caps at 3 stacks.
VICTORY | Sheento
Bumba's Spear
- Strength: +35.0
- MaxHealth: +50.0
- MaxMana: +50.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
Passive: Your Basic Attacks deal +50 True Damage and your Abilities deal +35% damage against Jungle Camps, Structures, and Jungle Bosses. When any of these die you gain a 10% Strength and Intelligence buff for 30s and are healed for 10% of your Health, 10% of your Mana. Requires Level 20.
Triton's Conch
- Strength: +15.0
- Intelligence: +45.0
- MaxHealth: +300.0
Passive: You and allies within 8.8m gain 7 + 0.5*Level Strength and 10 + 1*Level Intelligence.
Avenging Blade
- Strength: +50.0
- MaxHealth: +150.0
Passive: Damaging an enemy God with a basic attack while in the jungle slows their movement speed by 5% and reduces their protections by 5% for 3 seconds (stacks up to 3 times).
Mystical Mail
- PhysicalProtection: +40.0
- MaxHealth: +350.0
Passive: All enemies within 4m are dealt 20 + 1.5 per level Magical Damage per second.
Genji's Guard
- MagicalProtection: +55.0
- MaxMana: +300.0
- MP5: +5.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
PASSIVE - When you take Magical Damage from Abilities your cooldowns are reduced by 3s. This can only occur once every 30s.
Spirit Robe
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
Passive: When you are hit by a Hard CC effect you gain 40 Physical Protection and 40 Magical Protection for 4s.
Blink Rune
Active: You are Teleported to a targeted location up to 5.6m away. This effect can be used during combat or while firing another ability. Cooldown: 240s
Bluestone Brooch
- Strength: +30.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
- HP5: +7.0
- MP5: +5.0
Passive: Enemies hit by your damaging Abilities take an additional 120 + 7.5% of their current health as Physical Damage over 2s. Subsequent hits on the same target do half the bonus damage for the next 3s. Requires Level 20.
Genji's Guard
- MagicalProtection: +55.0
- MaxMana: +300.0
- MP5: +5.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
PASSIVE - When you take Magical Damage from Abilities your cooldowns are reduced by 3s. This can only occur once every 30s.
Mystical Mail
- PhysicalProtection: +40.0
- MaxHealth: +350.0
Passive: All enemies within 4m are dealt 20 + 1.5 per level Magical Damage per second.
Breastplate of Valor
- PhysicalProtection: +45.0
- MaxMana: +250.0
- MP5: +2.0
- Cooldown Rate: +30.0
Passive: When you lose 350 + 20*Level HP, your ability cooldowns are reduced by 1s.
Shifter's Shield
- PhysicalProtection: +20.0
- MagicalProtection: +20.0
- MaxHealth: +150.0
- MaxMana: +100.0
PASSIVE: While over 75% Health, you gain 30 Strength. While under 75% Health, you gain 20 Protections.
Spirit Robe
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
Passive: When you are hit by a Hard CC effect you gain 40 Physical Protection and 40 Magical Protection for 4s.
- Strength: +30.0
- Cooldown Rate: +15.0
Passive: When you use an ability you gain 3% Movement Speed and 5 Cooldown Rate for 10s. Stacks up to 3 times.
Sundering Arc
Active: Instantly deals 175 + 25 per level true damage to Jungle Monsters and Jungle Bosses. Deals 500 damage at level 13 and above. Hits Gods, dealing 27 + 3 per level true damage 3 times over 2s. Cooldown: 120s.
Bluestone Brooch
- Strength: +30.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
- HP5: +7.0
- MP5: +5.0
Passive: Enemies hit by your damaging Abilities take an additional 120 + 7.5% of their current health as Physical Damage over 2s. Subsequent hits on the same target do half the bonus damage for the next 3s. Requires Level 20.
Mystical Mail
- PhysicalProtection: +40.0
- MaxHealth: +350.0
Passive: All enemies within 4m are dealt 20 + 1.5 per level Magical Damage per second.
Oni Hunter's Garb
- MagicalProtection: +55.0
- MaxHealth: +150.0
- MaxMana: +250.0
- MP5: +10.0
Passive: For each enemy god within 8.8m of you, gain a stack of 4% damage mitigation. This caps at 3 stacks.
Spirit Robe
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
Passive: When you are hit by a Hard CC effect you gain 40 Physical Protection and 40 Magical Protection for 4s.
Soul Reaver
- Intelligence: +50.0
- MaxMana: +150.0
- MP5: +1.0
- Physical Penetration: +10.0%
Passive: Enemy gods hit by your abilities take 15% of their Current HP as bonus Magical Damage over 2s. This effect will always deal at least 5% of the god's Max HP over time and only triggers once per ability per god.
Phoenix Feather
- MagicalProtection: +65.0
- MaxHealth: +275.0
Active: You are Healed for 300 HP + 30% of your Missing HP. Cooldown: 240s.
Sundering Arc
Active: Instantly deals 175 + 25 per level true damage to Jungle Monsters and Jungle Bosses. Deals 500 damage at level 13 and above. Hits Gods, dealing 27 + 3 per level true damage 3 times over 2s. Cooldown: 120s.
Bluestone Brooch
- Strength: +30.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
- HP5: +7.0
- MP5: +5.0
Passive: Enemies hit by your damaging Abilities take an additional 120 + 7.5% of their current health as Physical Damage over 2s. Subsequent hits on the same target do half the bonus damage for the next 3s. Requires Level 20.
Mystical Mail
- PhysicalProtection: +40.0
- MaxHealth: +350.0
Passive: All enemies within 4m are dealt 20 + 1.5 per level Magical Damage per second.
Breastplate of Valor
- PhysicalProtection: +45.0
- MaxMana: +250.0
- MP5: +2.0
- Cooldown Rate: +30.0
Passive: When you lose 350 + 20*Level HP, your ability cooldowns are reduced by 1s.
Spirit Robe
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
Passive: When you are hit by a Hard CC effect you gain 40 Physical Protection and 40 Magical Protection for 4s.
Genji's Guard
- MagicalProtection: +55.0
- MaxMana: +300.0
- MP5: +5.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
PASSIVE - When you take Magical Damage from Abilities your cooldowns are reduced by 3s. This can only occur once every 30s.
Leviathan's Hide
- PhysicalProtection: +50.0
- Cooldown Rate: +10.0
Passive: Enemies who hit you with basic attacks lose 10% Strength for 4s. Stacks up to 2 times.
Ruinous Ankh
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
- MaxHealth: +150.0
Passive: Enemies within 8.8m have 40% reduced healing.
Sundering Arc
Active: Instantly deals 175 + 25 per level true damage to Jungle Monsters and Jungle Bosses. Deals 500 damage at level 13 and above. Hits Gods, dealing 27 + 3 per level true damage 3 times over 2s. Cooldown: 120s.
Bluestone Brooch
- Strength: +30.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
- HP5: +7.0
- MP5: +5.0
Passive: Enemies hit by your damaging Abilities take an additional 120 + 7.5% of their current health as Physical Damage over 2s. Subsequent hits on the same target do half the bonus damage for the next 3s. Requires Level 20.
Mystical Mail
- PhysicalProtection: +40.0
- MaxHealth: +350.0
Passive: All enemies within 4m are dealt 20 + 1.5 per level Magical Damage per second.
Breastplate of Valor
- PhysicalProtection: +45.0
- MaxMana: +250.0
- MP5: +2.0
- Cooldown Rate: +30.0
Passive: When you lose 350 + 20*Level HP, your ability cooldowns are reduced by 1s.
Spirit Robe
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
Passive: When you are hit by a Hard CC effect you gain 40 Physical Protection and 40 Magical Protection for 4s.
Genji's Guard
- MagicalProtection: +55.0
- MaxMana: +300.0
- MP5: +5.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
PASSIVE - When you take Magical Damage from Abilities your cooldowns are reduced by 3s. This can only occur once every 30s.
Leviathan's Hide
- PhysicalProtection: +50.0
- Cooldown Rate: +10.0
Passive: Enemies who hit you with basic attacks lose 10% Strength for 4s. Stacks up to 2 times.
Ruinous Ankh
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
- MaxHealth: +150.0
Passive: Enemies within 8.8m have 40% reduced healing.
Sundering Arc
Active: Instantly deals 175 + 25 per level true damage to Jungle Monsters and Jungle Bosses. Deals 500 damage at level 13 and above. Hits Gods, dealing 27 + 3 per level true damage 3 times over 2s. Cooldown: 120s.
Bluestone Brooch
- Strength: +30.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
- HP5: +7.0
- MP5: +5.0
Passive: Enemies hit by your damaging Abilities take an additional 120 + 7.5% of their current health as Physical Damage over 2s. Subsequent hits on the same target do half the bonus damage for the next 3s. Requires Level 20.
Genji's Guard
- MagicalProtection: +55.0
- MaxMana: +300.0
- MP5: +5.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
PASSIVE - When you take Magical Damage from Abilities your cooldowns are reduced by 3s. This can only occur once every 30s.
Breastplate of Valor
- PhysicalProtection: +45.0
- MaxMana: +250.0
- MP5: +2.0
- Cooldown Rate: +30.0
Passive: When you lose 350 + 20*Level HP, your ability cooldowns are reduced by 1s.
Leviathan's Hide
- PhysicalProtection: +50.0
- Cooldown Rate: +10.0
Passive: Enemies who hit you with basic attacks lose 10% Strength for 4s. Stacks up to 2 times.
Talisman of Purification
- MagicalProtection: +45.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
Active: You and allied gods within 6.4m are Cleansed of all CC and gain CC Immunity for 1s. Cooldown: 180s.
Spectral Armor
- PhysicalProtection: +60.0
- Cooldown Rate: +15.0
Passive: Enemies within 8.8m lose 20% Attack Speed and 20% Critical Strike Chance.
- Strength: +30.0
- Cooldown Rate: +15.0
Passive: When you use an ability you gain 3% Movement Speed and 5 Cooldown Rate for 10s. Stacks up to 3 times.
Sundering Arc
Active: Instantly deals 175 + 25 per level true damage to Jungle Monsters and Jungle Bosses. Deals 500 damage at level 13 and above. Hits Gods, dealing 27 + 3 per level true damage 3 times over 2s. Cooldown: 120s.
Bluestone Brooch
- Strength: +30.0
- MaxHealth: +200.0
- HP5: +7.0
- MP5: +5.0
Passive: Enemies hit by your damaging Abilities take an additional 120 + 7.5% of their current health as Physical Damage over 2s. Subsequent hits on the same target do half the bonus damage for the next 3s. Requires Level 20.
Mystical Mail
- PhysicalProtection: +40.0
- MaxHealth: +350.0
Passive: All enemies within 4m are dealt 20 + 1.5 per level Magical Damage per second.
Breastplate of Valor
- PhysicalProtection: +45.0
- MaxMana: +250.0
- MP5: +2.0
- Cooldown Rate: +30.0
Passive: When you lose 350 + 20*Level HP, your ability cooldowns are reduced by 1s.
Spirit Robe
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
Passive: When you are hit by a Hard CC effect you gain 40 Physical Protection and 40 Magical Protection for 4s.
Genji's Guard
- MagicalProtection: +55.0
- MaxMana: +300.0
- MP5: +5.0
- Cooldown Rate: +20.0
PASSIVE - When you take Magical Damage from Abilities your cooldowns are reduced by 3s. This can only occur once every 30s.
Leviathan's Hide
- PhysicalProtection: +50.0
- Cooldown Rate: +10.0
Passive: Enemies who hit you with basic attacks lose 10% Strength for 4s. Stacks up to 2 times.
Ruinous Ankh
- PhysicalProtection: +30.0
- MagicalProtection: +30.0
- MaxHealth: +150.0
Passive: Enemies within 8.8m have 40% reduced healing.
Sundering Arc
Active: Instantly deals 175 + 25 per level true damage to Jungle Monsters and Jungle Bosses. Deals 500 damage at level 13 and above. Hits Gods, dealing 27 + 3 per level true damage 3 times over 2s. Cooldown: 120s.
Odin Basic Attack
Deal 45 Physical Damage to an enemy in front of you.
NOTE 1: If multiple enemies are in the area, the enemy closest to the center of the area will be hit.
NOTE 2: Has a 4 hit chain. Attacks in order of 1, 1, 1, 1.5x damage and swing time.
- Damage Scaling: 100% Strength and 20% Intelligence
- Range: 1.9m
- Cone Angle: 120 degrees
Path to Valhalla
When a god dies, gain a brief increase to Movement Speed, Strength, and Intelligence.
- Movement Speed: 4% Per Stack
- Strength: 10% Per Stack
- Intelligence: 10% Per Stack
- Buff Duration: 10s
- Max Buff Stacks: 2
Leap forward, dealing 118 [95% STR] Physical Damage to nearby enemies as you land. • If you have a Shield from Raven Shout, it explodes upon landing
- Damage: 75/115/155/195/235
- Damage Scaling: 95% Strength
- Range: 8.8m
- Radius: 2.4m
- Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12s
- Cost: 40/45/50/55/60
Raven Shout
Gain a 122 [50% STR + 55% INT] Health Shield for a duration. • After the duration, the Shield explodes dealing Physical Damage equal to the remaining Shield Health to nearby enemies • If the Shield is at full HP when it explodes, it deals 122 Physical Damage instead
- Shield Health: 100/150/200/250/300
- Shield Health Scaling: 50% Strength and 55% Intelligence
- Explode Radius: 3.2m
- Cooldown: 14/13.5/13/12.5/12s
- Cost: 45/50/55/60/65
Gungnir's Might
Charge up, pulsing damage around you twice, then throw your spear. • The pulses deal 45 [50% INT] Physical Damage and Slow • The spear deals 67 [70% STR] Physical Damage and Stuns if fired after two pulses • If you refire the spear early, nearby allies get Attack Speed and this ability has a 40% reduced cooldown
NOTE 1: Projectile passes through and damages all targets, stops on first god hit, and stops on walls
- Pulse Damage: 45/70/95/120/145
- Pulse Damage Scaling: 50% Intelligence
- Projectile Damage: 35/70/105/140/175
- Projectile Damage Scaling:
- Stun Duration: 1.2s
- Attack Speed: 30/32.5/35/37.5/40%
- Buff Duration: 4s
- Pulse Radius: 3.2m
- Projectile Range: 8.8m
- Projectile Radius: 0.5m
- Cooldown: 12s
- Cost: 50/60/70/80/90
Ring Of Spears
Create a spear ring of walls that impedes enemies. • Enemies in the area cannot Heal, and have reduced Strength and Intelligence • Enemies who leave the area take 110 [110% STR] Physical Damage and are Slowed, unless exiting through segment of the ring destroyed by basic attacks
NOTE 1: Ring of Spears does not block ally movement or projectiles, only enemy basic attacks and enemy god movement .
NOTE 2: The Ring is made of 8 Segments that each have 5 Hit Points, an enemy basic attack will deal 1 Hit Point per hit.
- Damage: 60/110/160/210/260
- Damage Scaling: 110% Strength
- Slow: 25%
- Slow Duration: 5s
- Strength: -15/-17.5/-20/-22.5/-25%
- Intelligence: -15/-17.5/-20/-22.5/-25%
- Cooldown: 110/105/100/95/90s
- Cost: 100