Hyper farm early with [ITEM:(1932)Doom Orb] mobility. Focus more on hitting your 2 over your 3 when ganking early, as securing the taunt is better than hitting the first hit of the 3 and then the opponent escaping. To get the full 3, 2 combo, wait for your target's mobility option first, and be aware of blink cooldowns.
Late game you have to be very careful to bypass crowd control. It's best to wait for an opportunity on the outskirts to blink/dash in past the support than to engage like a regular athena. Your full combo easily one shots any squishy, so playing this way can secure the worst-case 1 for 1 trade on a high priority target.While waiting for this opportunity, you can use your 3 constantly to give yourself ranged autos for poke, especially under phoenix or around boss objectives. You can do this with your 1 as well if you have blink up and are willing to risk counter-engages. Not worth using the 2 just to get poke autos, as it's pretty crucial to stopping counter-aggression like Fenrir 3, Bacchus 3, or squishies walking up close to cast abilities within your range.
In the mid-game, Athena ult allows her to bypass ward coverage when ganking, so letting your teammates bait the enemy in closer to your towers is much easier than any other jungler until Thor is added.
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